the hoi pollie的词源
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- ware
- ware: English has two distinct words ware, but the likelihood is that both come from the same ultimate source – the prehistoric Germanic base *war-, *wer-. This denoted ‘watch, be on one’s guard, take care’, and also produced English ward and warn. It may have had links with Latin verērī ‘fear’ (source of English revere). From it was formed the adjective *waraz, which evolved into English ware [OE] – now virtually obsolete except in the derived forms aware [13], beware [13], and wary [16].
It is thought that ware ‘article for sale’ [OE] could also come from the base *war- – its etymological meaning thus being ‘something one takes care of’. Borrowed into French, *war- produced garage, subsequently acquired by English.
=> aware, beware, garage, guard, ward, warn, warrant, wary
来自希腊语hoi polloi,大众,人们,hoi,定冠词the,polloi,许多,词源同full,poly-.前面的英语定冠词the为知识性错误,但将错就错,已成为固定用法。
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